July '05 - Our Friends - Nude Guys Needed - Table of Contents

JOEY DANGER (20 photos)

A recipe for disaster: Joey Danger, an inflatable sex doll, an empty apartment, the leftovers from the refridgerator.

Photographer: Sean Patrick

JOEY (20 photos)

In a backyard in Williamsburg, not quite hidden from the eyes of the neighbors, making the nature scene.

Photographer: Don Rodd

MANUEL (20 photos)

Third baseman for a AA baseball team, Manuel is from the Domican Republic. Don't tell the team he posed for these photos.

Photographer: Don Rodd

LUCAS (20 photos)

Lucas is a party planner for galleries in Manhattan, but still go-go dances random thursday nights downtown.

Photographer: Don Rodd

See the Guys - July '05 Issue - Our Friends - Nude Guys Needed - Table Of Contents

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